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Consulting in Italy, 2000.

SWP 2001 s.jpg (230699 bytes) Stockholm Water Prize, 2001. H.M. King Carl XVI Gustaf  (center), Prof. Takashi Asano (left), Prof. Petr Grau (right).

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With Prof. Takashi Asano (USA), Stockholm Water Prize laureate, 2001.

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Workshop in Slovenia, 2002.

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Consulting in Barcelona, 2003.

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Meeting with ESOTECH d.d. (Slovenia) at K&K TECHNOLOGY headquarters (Klatovy, Czech Republic), 2005.

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Stockholm Junior Water Prize Nominating Committee, 2005.

060ssm.jpg (39725 bytes) J. S. Čech award, Brno 2008.
Visiting natural clarifiers with a famous and distinguished photographer 2011.
Environmental education - natural clarifiers 2011.

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J. S. Čech award, Brno 2012.



Old hobby, for many years active as technical expert to SUBARU Czech Rally Team.

Pilot: Mgr. Vojtěch Štajf

Co-pilots (left to right): Jiří Černoch, Petr Řihák, Petra Lesniaková, Julius Gál, Petra Řiháková, Marcela Ehlová - Dolečková.

Last picture bottom right: Arctic Lapland Rally 2012.

http://www.subarurallyteam.info/   (Czech language).

Subaru Czech Rally Team

Rally Bohemia

Rallye Monte Carlo 2011
